Master Plan: Part I
Just between you & me

Siddharth Mandala, August 2nd, 2024

Eye computing is the future.

Eon represents: Eye on Navigation.

This plan aims to help users & stakeholders grasp the extensive scope & potential of our mission.

Divided into three phases, the master plan outlines the strategy to enhance daily life & operational efficiency for the public, reduce carbon emissions, & build the most impactful navigation system in the world.

  1. Phase I: Impact Transportation Ecosystem

    Create low maintenance, augmented intelligence glasses, that can provide safe & carbon free, efficient navigation to cab drivers, food delivery workers, & logistics teams, & create an eco-system of ae.

    Mission: Create an Intelligent Transportation Ecosystem.

  2. Phase II: Influence Workplace Ecosystem

    Use that revenue to develop energy-efficient ae glasses (AR + AI) for India's Tier 2 workforce (software engineers, legal auditors, sales execs). The ae glasses replace work laptops by using spatial computing & Augmented reality minimizing commuting, physical office space, & resource waste.

    Mission: Implement an efficient resource utilisation to lower operational costs & profoundly reduces the environmental footprint.

  3. Phase III: Revolutionize our lives.
    Use that money to create an affordable, high-powered ae glasses that revolutionize daily life, & shape the future by:

    • Impact education by increasing attention span, blocking distractions & adapt to individual learning styles with immersion

    • Enhance shopping, dine-in, & commerce with virtual try-ons & smart recommendations.

    • Pioneer Health Management by using high-resolution cameras & AI algorithms to analyse & treat injuries, virtual coaching, offer personalized diet & lifestyle recommendations.

    • Redefine Entertainment & Media: Offer immersive experiences in gaming, movies, and virtual tourism, transforming leisure and media consumption.

      Mission: Build digital third eye that makes lives efficient.

Inspired by Tesla’s Master Plan

Introducing EonVision

Phase I:
Impact Transportation Ecosystem

Driving Monitor System (DMS)

Leverage computer vision to analyse the driver’s status in real time by monitoring eyelid movement, gaze, head pose, and body activities. If dangerous driving behaviours are detected, such as drowsiness, distraction, hands off the wheel, or phone use, the system will immediately warn the driver. In emergencies, it will provide precise location data to accelerate response times.

Carbon Free World

Improve efficiency by optimizing fuel usage through analysing driving patterns & recommending routes that reduce operational costs, fuel consumption & minimize carbon emissions & contribute to a greener environment.

This table provides an empirical overview of how Eon's contribute to efficiency, cost savings, and environmental sustainability.

Z-Coordinate Map
(World’s First)

Enhance delivery precision with Z-coordinate, altitude data. By capturing & utilizing vertical positioning, delivery personnel, including food delivery drivers & logistics staff, can pinpoint exact locations with unparalleled accuracy. This eliminates guesswork, reduces delays, & ensures efficient and precise delivery of products. Save time, improve service efficiency, & revolutionize the delivery experience with most impactful navigation system in the world.
